Nakaseke Traffic Police Department has embarked on sensitizing Boda Boda Riders in Nakaseke District. According to Namei Peter the Traffic Officer, he informed the Boda Boda riders to always respect all the Road Traffic rules for their safety. Among the rules were;
- Carrying more than one Passenger on the motorcycle
- Tilting and poor positioning of Number plates
- Riding without wearing Helmets
- Riding without a road License
- and placing stickers on the Number plates and among others
Boda Bada Riders requested the Officers to give them some time to enable them put everything right because most of the requirements were very tuff and it requires them money of which they don't have because they have not been earning due to COVID 19. They also raised their complaints to some Police officers and Crime preventers who arrest them and extort money out of them in the night.
The Office Traffic assured them that all their operations are know at their office and if they are being arrested by any imposter especially those who steal Police Uniforms and use them to robe people the Should be reported immediately.