Nakaseke Library supporting Rural Women with Clean Energy Cooking Solutions

 Nakaseke library has introduced a new community Outreach project to address the issue of climate Change through Clean  Energy Cooking Techniques.

The main objectives of this project was to;

  1.  Introduce Rural women to new Clean energy Cooking stoves.
  2. Build capacities of the Rural Women in the construction and maintenance of the Cooking stoves . 
  3. Empower women to save to learn to save fuel and time

 The Library worked  the TOT instructor  trained by JEEP -Uganda to pass over the skills to other women in the community. So far, the 10 homes have benefited from the project  and Women are very happy with it.

Digital Literacy Celebrations week at Nakaseke Public Library

  Today Nakaseke Public Library joined the rest of the world to honer the Digital Literacy We received a good  number of about  170 Children...